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KG_Cloghaun 06-16-2007 11:03 PM

America's Civil War Magazine
A quote from Eric Weider on the ACG forums, explaining the difference between 2 similar magazines his publishing company offers:

Civil War Times is an older magazine and a little more traditional in its approach and look than America's Civil War.

Also Civil War Times is more likely to delve into pre and post war topics as well as some social history...it is Civil War "Times"...ie the times of the Civil War vs. America's Civil War which is more focused on the actual war.
Being a 6 year subscriber to his other magazine, "WW2 magazine", I was considering getting "America's Civil War." Have any of you read this before & would you recommend it?


KG_SSpoom 06-17-2007 01:18 AM

I have, its a good magazine.

KG_Panzerschreck 06-18-2007 11:58 AM

I used to get both magazines. Both are very good. His analysis is spot on.

Palantir 07-18-2007 11:51 PM

I prefered ACW over CWT for design, layout and actual "war" information: I had a subscription to ACW for years.

But most of what they published was "general" information and what I already knew about the the Civil War (being a student of it for nearly 40 years now).

I eventually decided it wasn't worth the cost when I could just re-read the books I already have for free. I donated several years worth to a nearby Vet retirement home.

KG_Jag 07-19-2007 04:06 PM

ACW may be the best choice for Frank, although both magazines sound good for someone we want to bring up to speed and then add to the KG list of Civil War buffs.

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