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KG_Jag 01-12-2014 03:26 PM

Matrix Holiday Game Sale Winding Down
This puppy ends on Jan. 14th:


KG_SSpoom 01-13-2014 09:46 PM

Did you pick up any new wargames Bill?

KG_Jag 01-13-2014 10:50 PM

Yup--SOW Chancellorsville, Battlefront, War in the East--Don to the Danube & War Plan Orange: Dreadnoughts in the Pacific 1922 - 1930.

KG_SSpoom 01-14-2014 04:44 PM

Now just to get you online for some sow multiplayer action.......

KG_Werfer 01-15-2014 12:03 AM

Hey Sspoomy,

LONG time no talk and forgive me if I get it wrong it's been so many years... Steve?

Last one I got from Matrix was Panzer Corps Collection, mostly cause it looked a lot like PeG-WW2/PG2, but never got into it much and PITF. Been actively back into the CC series again the last couple of years.

Mostly WAR, TLD and the mods for them however.

Sure wish could play Combat Mission again, the graphics and movement don't jive with how am left now after the health scare from those years ago.

I guess the group is into FPS now?

Looked over the net for forums a few times, lost the link and finally 'stumbled" here. found a few posts by KG Jag ( :-) ) on wargamer forums, but they were several years old and didn't really remember you that well Bill, you had just joined near the end of me..

Frank still around?

I'll be around now.. Plenty of time.. Something no shortage of :-(

KG_SSpoom 01-15-2014 09:51 PM

The only group gaming that I know of currently
are Soldier and Myself playing Scourge of War.
I play the new Combat Missions they take some getting used to
but they are good. Some of the guys may play FPS games together still but Im not sure
they would have to chime in =)

Frank is still around but I think he is into fishing these days =)

KG_Werfer 01-15-2014 10:30 PM

Thanks for that. After made the post was sure had the name right. We played a lot of CM way back and Bill also, how could have forgotten that..

Times change, people go on. Understand. Everyone had a lot of fun way back with CC and CM and that 1 FPS forget the name of with team speak.

I can add some uploads for various CC if anyone even wants them here, the latest ones like WAR, TLD. Most are available elsewhere, though some are not.

The best days of gaming ever was with this group of folks Steve and glad found the forums again. Went over the forums and saw kent, Rob and some of the other guys posts. Brought back some memories.

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