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-   -   What is in your opinion, the best fighter "one twopunch" by country of WW2? (https://www.kampfgruppe.org/showthread.php?t=4258)

KG_GASXTREME 12-21-2005 02:33 AM

What is in your opinion, the best fighter "one twopunch" by country of WW2?
Ya'll know what to do :)

KG_Swampfox 12-21-2005 08:35 AM

There can be only one choice from those available, P51 & P47

The Mustangs laminiar flow wing was the best flying wing design to come out of the war, Thunderbolts in a ground attack role were superb, 2000 HP and once the paddle blades came out, a huge jump in preformance. No cannons, but rockets were starting to replacing cannons by that time anyways.

A few other outstanding aircraft not mentioned, TA152, Typhoon, Tempest, He129, FW 190D9
Not to mention the ME 262 with the 234 Arado, the best jet combo....
The TA 152 was probably the most dangerous propeller driven opponent of the Mustang. Tempests were 24 cylinder, 3000 HP beasts, only flown by the best RAF pilots, one of the fastest propeller driven aircraft of the war...


KG_Kharkov 12-21-2005 09:10 AM

I second that, although don't ask me to explain laminiar wing flow! Damn mechanics -- always making me feel dumb . . .

KG_Jag 12-21-2005 10:55 AM

I can't match Pat from the technical side. However, my pick is the Hellcat and Corsair. Once they took flight in the theater, the Japanese could not compete. Plus they both could operate from aircraft carriers, which none of the rest on the list can claim.

KG_Jag 12-21-2005 11:01 AM

By the way, I'm sure that Pat meant that the Luftwaffe pilots and not the RAF fighter jockeys flew the TA 152, or perhaps he is speaking of the Tempest (in which case he is clearly correct). Here's a link to an interesting web page about the FW 190 and TA 152:


Here's another link with a photo: http://www.nasm.si.edu/research/aero...ocke_ta152.htm

Here's one more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ta-152

KG_Noggs 12-21-2005 11:16 AM

Are you saying the Zero could not operate from carriers?

KG_Jag 12-21-2005 11:20 AM

No Noggs, the Zero could, but the Tony couldn't. Sorry--I should have said that the pair I selected was the only one-two punch (as in both) that could come at you from carriers. But the Zeke is the only other fighter on the list that could and did operate from carriers in any numbers. There were some carrier capable versions of the British pair--the Hurricane (Sea Hurricane) and Spitfire (Seafire).

KG_GASXTREME 12-21-2005 01:42 PM

For me, its gotta be option A, the mustang and the thunderbolt. Enough cannot be said about the mustang..... That plane is STILL faster today than some jets, with a top speed of 451mph (486mph for the H model). The thunderbolt is not slotch itself with a top speed of 406mph.....Both were great, all-around aircraft! :)

KG_SSpoom 12-21-2005 04:31 PM

I also have to go with the P-47/P-51 duo
When the Mustangs were able to start escorting the bombers deep into
Germany It sealed the end of the Third Reich.

KG_Soldier 12-21-2005 05:41 PM

I voted P-51/P-47, but I really like the P-38s.

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