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Unread 02-17-2006, 10:24 AM
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KG_CrimsonTrooper KG_CrimsonTrooper is offline
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Default DoD:Source Tweaks

I took this from IGO Clan Forum:

Ok, so I have been trying to find a combination of DoD:S config file tweaks that will help give you more FPS and better in game performance.... I used this exact combination in my Config File so it preloads with these settings and its seems to work awesome. Some of these I already have from before in my Client Side Tweaks post, but some of these are new and should help you.

(1) If you don't know how to open your config file, go to your steam folder and open the following folders: steamapps, "email address/account", day of defeat source, dod, cfg. Now once you get to the CFG file, right click on it and go to properties and make sure the "Read Only" box is unchecked. After that, close that box and right click on cfg again and go to "open with"... you will need to open this with Notepad to edit it. Now that its open, at the very end, enter these tweaks into it: (These are the exact commands I have at the end of my cfg file, I just added them on... and make sure the parenthesis are around the numbers)

cl_ejectbrass "0" (Disables shells flying out of the weapon)
cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st "0" (Disables 1st person muzzle flashes)
cl_ragdoll_fade_time "0" (Makes bodies disapear)
cl_show_splashes "0" (Disables water splashes)
commentary "0" (Disables map commentary)
mat_antialias "0" (Disables this video card option)
mat_bumpmap "0" (Disables bump mapping)
mat_hdr_enabled "0" (Disables HDR in all maps)
r_RainSimulate "0" (Disables rain)
rope_smooth "0" (Disables antialiasing on ropes)
cl_cmdrate "67"
cl_updaterate "67"
rate 25000
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_maxupdaterate "67"
cl_interp "0.01"
cl_interpolate "1" (Interpolates entities on the client)
cl_smooth "0" (Disables smoothing views after juddering effect)
fog_enabled "0" (Disables fog)
gl_clear "0" (Disables hiding of cracks/faults between textures)
~These settings puts the GPU load on the CPU~
r_3dnow "0"
r_mmx "1"
r_sse "1"
r_sse2 "1"

(2) Now make sure you SAVE all of these additions, so go to file, save.. blah blah, you know the drill. Now close your config file... then right click on it and go to properties. Now make sure you CHECK "READ ONLY". The reason why you do this is incase the server or something tries to make changes to your config file, IT CAN'T. Or if any of you venture into another server, the admin can't adjust your config file to mess with you. This will protect your config file from any unwanted admin hackers!!!!

So there you go... more of PremiumBlend tweaks to help all of you enjoy this game just that much more.

w00t w00t
It is better to die on ones feet
than to live on your knees.

- Emiliano Zapata

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