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Unread 05-27-2006, 12:02 PM
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KG_AGCent KG_AGCent is offline
Oberste Befehlshaber (Ret.)
Join Date: Jan 2005
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With their terrible showing against Mexico last night, I have less lofty hopes about our national team. They absolutely buried Norway in a friendly 5-1 in February but have struggled since with a single win in 4 games.

If they get washed out my back-up is Deutchland as well. their style of play is poetry in motion; machine-like precision, strong build-ups and constant pressure. Another wonderful team to watch for the shear beauty of it is Brazil. Joga Bonita! Technical mastery, creative flair and played from the heart. The world has never seen before the likes of Ronaldino, an absolute master of ball handling with an instinct for the back of the net.

Here is the US listing for game times and who's showing it.

Click Here

Does anyone here have a TiVo to record the games that are at weird times? Would be cool to load those files to the file server so everyone can watch what they missed.

I am off to support my daughter in the first tournament of her club soccer season which will run until late October and pick back up in January through February for State Cup. Yes... a 9 month season. I love it!
"Besides, the atheist non-god is not going to send me to non-hell for my lapse of non-faith if it should turn out that I am mistaken." - John C. Wright

Last edited by KG_AGCent; 05-27-2006 at 12:11 PM..
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