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Unread 08-03-2006, 10:57 PM
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KG_Panzerschreck KG_Panzerschreck is offline
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Originally Posted by KG_AGCent
I can't think of anything neater than beng able to pass that passion on to one of your boys. Except perhaps the first time he beats you in a module scenario and goes dancing around the house like he had just won the World Cup.
Thats why i wont teach the old lady how to play any of my simpler board games like "Carrier Strike!" or some of the others i have. She has asked me several times to teach her how to play and i refuse to teach her. Id never hear the end of it.

We used to have "Risk" parties with 2 pairs of couples friends of ours. The six of us would sit for hours playing Risk and drinking beer. It could get down right nasty if it came down to a husband vrs. a wife or fiance vrs. fiance. I want no part of that again.
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