View Full Version : CM West Mod for CMAK on the Way

09-12-2006, 07:30 PM
CM West is a complete Mod of CMAK using both Italy and North Africa for ETO style play. There are many new buildings and features. The mod is in beta and is now being tested.

CM West allows you to play early war years. That is as IF there were Sealion, or IF the French and British had held on In France and the low countries.

For those of you who Love CM ETO (like me) and are worried there may be a compatibility issue with the new CM West mod the answer is a resounding NO. Each Mod compliments the other.

CM ETO modification is based all on Italy July 1943 to May 1945. With the exception of sky interface all the mods stick to that time line.

CM West Modification deals with transforming Crete, East Africa, North Africa from July 1940 to May 1943.

If you load CM West over your existing CM ETO you will have over-written The splash screen and the icon pics for play selection. The same is true if you load CM ETO over CM West.

What CM ETO has that CM West does not:

1. ETO scen file
2. Mid and late war uniforms for ETO.
3. Building and terrain exclusive to
modification of Italy to ETO
4. Excellent sky with small ETO style hills

What does CM West have that CM ETO does not:

1. German vehicles & arty ALL in early Panzer
2. British and CW vehicles and arty ALL in ETO
3. Building and terrain exclusive to modification
of desert to ETO. This includes a specific
mod for sand to allow easy beach landing
scen in map editor and a unique change of many
buildings to Factory or industrial look.
4. Early uniforms for ETO

Here's CM West in May 1941 using a very old favorite scen.."Last Defense"...and weren't those the days!

And we add CM ETO..... How cool is that!

Check it out, including some some splash screens and game shots here:

http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=004961 (http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=004961)



9/14/06 Edit: It is now available for downloading (in 9 parts--excluding subparts, each of which require a separate file download) at CMMODS.